Optimize load time your blog The loading time of your blog is
something important that should not be neglected at any time, as it often
determines the interaction experience that visitors have with your site and
therefore also marks a pattern each can return or not. To look at a simpler way
only imagine when you get to a site that takes many seconds to load, and you
will surely abandon before the end of the load. For this reason visitors leave your site if you have not optimized.
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Optimizes Page Speed |
However, to optimize the loading time of a blog or website first thing
to do is to diagnose where the problem is or what influences our site to be
slow or fast. For this we have tools, which should always have on
Google PageSpeed
Google PageSpeed
You have to do put the URL of your
site and wait for you to show metrics that need improvement.
NOTE: Before making changes always
saves a copy of your template, if you screw up something, and have a backup.
The most common problem is that sometimes happens excessive burden
of resources that make the templates or themes. From experience I can say that
it is advisable not carry unnecessary things such as .js or .css files that are
small or are not very useful, maybe in this case is to include them directly in
the template.
In the case of WordPress, a
common mistake is to install plugins that consuming too many resources
of our hosting or doing too many queries to the database and thus slowing down
the load. Never install unnecessary plugins, for example, many use a plugin to
display related posts when this can be done easily using a few lines in the
file functions. Some use social media plugins as this you can include manually
in a widget.
Other Recommendations
We recognize that it is impossible to reach 100% of
optimizing sites, unless you have a small site that only use HTML.
Images are another important
point, use thumbnails out of doorways and at the entrances and optimized using
a correct size images; because they consume enough time to load.
404 avoids errors; for
example your template makes call to an image that does not exist, this will
slow down your load.
If your site has many visitors or have multiple sites and are on a
shared host, consider moving them to a VPS, which have better capabilities.
Uses a cache plugin, WordPress.
Keep enhanced data base, it
eliminating unnecessary things, WordPress.
Do not use too many widgets in your sidebar.
Whenever you make a change, measure speed again you site with both
tools shown above.
The loading speed of a site can also affect your SEO Onpage and also
your search engine rankings.
Sometimes it is necessary to decide fora "nice"
blog, many reasons slow to load, maintain blog to load
faster. I assure you that the latter is more profitable.
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